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Tracks - Click on ucsc_db to open Genome Browser. The accession link shows more metadata.
7 tracks found. Download 7 Files

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ucsc_db accession format file_size lab assay data_set_id output enriched_in sample_label submit_file_name
hg19 SCHb000ACV bigWig 129108758 jones long-RNA-seq jonesYap plus strand unique map exon ChIR + Act A 24h WT raw/jonesRaw/bigwig...
hg19 SCHb000ACW bigWig 185592415 jones long-RNA-seq jonesYap plus strand unique map exon ChIR + Act A 24h WT raw/jonesRaw/bigwig...
hg38 SCHb000ADA bam 244703166 quake sc-RNA-seq quakeBrainGeo1 sorted alignments exon temporal lobe corte... raw/analysis/quakeB...
hg38 SCHb000AEV bigBed 3244357 test sc-RNA-seq replicaTest exon data/
hg38 SCHb000AEX bigBed 3247571 test sc-RNA-seq replicaTest exon data/
mm10 SCHb000AFI vcf 347689 test miniMouse common_snp data/oneThousandSnp...
mm10 SCHb000AFJ vcf 736857 test miniMouse common_snp data/twoThousandSnp...